Cultural Research & Analysis, Inc.
International Design and Ethnographic Research
Strategic Consulting
Offices in New York and Addis Ababa
Cultural Research & Analysis, Inc.
International Design and Ethnographic Research
Strategic Consulting
Offices in New York and Addis Ababa
We are an international network of anthropologists and qualitative researchers. Our favorite projects are open-ended ones that allow for surprises in findings and new directions for business, whether in NY, Addis, Amsterdam, Bangkok, or Berlin …
Author on the American Anthropological Association’s Blog. In 2015 the #1 blog post on
(Also see addendum: photos and videos paying tribute to those who lost their lives at Charleston’s Emanuel AME church)
See our 2014 edited collection, Handbook of Anthropology in Business, and our 2007 book Doing Anthropology in Consumer Research.
We’re thrilled that both were selected by the American Library Association as Choice Outstanding Title winners.
Meanings are always contextually defined. In Addis these are local and “foreign” eggs.
Conducting semiotic analysis, the analysis of meanings, is one of our favorite endeavors.
EPIC is one of the premier professional organizations for ethnographers in and of business.
Patti frequently contributes to the EPIC blog.
We construct each research project uniquely and from scratch. Sometimes it is ethnography, sometimes semiotics, sometimes focus groups (online or off), sometimes workshops, sometimes expert interviews, sometimes a unique mix, but always in conversation with you.
Our anthropologists are embedded in the local culture as well as popular culture.
Robert Moïse, an excellent researcher based in Cameroon, is also an incredible dancer. Watch him on Video, (at 2:47 & 3:54):
Here at work doing research in Bangkok, a favorite place.
The surprise in Bangkok was not the cutting of the lotion container to get at lotion at the bottom, but the taping to assure the bottle still looked good and that what remained stayed clean.
Brazil is another favorite place to work: